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Portico Developer Guide
Additional Criteria
Special Processing Rules > Duplicate Checking > Additional Criteria

The Portico Service, Cardholder Primary Account Number, and Transaction Amount make up the base matching criteria used when Duplicate Checking is enabled on the customer account. Optionally, Client Transaction ID and Invoice Number can be added to this matching criterion. This would allow transactions being submitted to the same service with the same primary account number and transaction amount to succeed given the Client Transaction ID and Invoice Number are also different.

Client Transaction ID duplicate checking adds the following attributes to the matching criteria when present in the request transaction:

Invoice Number duplicate checking adds the following attributes to the criteria when present in the request transaction:

In the case where Client Transaction ID or Invoice Number matching is enabled and no ClientTxnId, DirectMktInvoiceNbr, or InvoiceNbr is specified on the request, then only past transactions without a ClientTxnId, DirectMktInvoiceNbr, or InvoiceNbr are considered a duplicate transaction given the base criteria matches.

AdditionalTxnFields.InvoiceNbr is supported for EBT transactions.

For Gift Card transactions, duplicate checking is for card data only.   If the transaction request uses Alias, duplicate checking will not occur.